We have various activities and special events for you to enjoy.

Weekly Schedule
9a-3p Billiards
11a Mah Jongg
12p Lunch
1p Chair Yoga
9a-3p Billiards
10a Bingo
12p Lunch 1p Strength Building/Exercise
9a-3p Billiards
10:30a Pinochle (1st and 3rd Weds)
12p Lunch
1p Agility, Balance, Coordination Class
9a-3p Billiards 10a Bridge 12p Lunch 12:30 Supermarket
1p Zumba Gold
9a-3p Billiards
10a Bingo
10:30a Mah Jongg 11:30a Chair Exercise 12p Lunch 12p Games (canasta, rummikub, etc)
March 2025
*For those activities that say to call ahead to sign up-you can reach us at 326-4209*.
March 24-Hula Hoop: 10:30 Join us for a fun filled, hula hoop workout to boost your mood and energy. Only thing we don’t do is “hula hoop”! We provide the hoops for this low-key program.
March 24-Brain Fit: Mad Libs: 11:30 The audience gives random nouns, verbs, and adjectives to fill in the blanks of a story which is then read aloud by Cindy. Easy and fun!
March 26-Trip and Lunch out: 10:00 Trip to the Blue Ball Barn for a brief guided tour then explore the Brandywine School District art show on your own. Elevator available. Lunch at Charcoal Pit following. Cost $5/mem; $10/non-mem. Lunch is on you.
March 27-Color w/Hidden Pictures Page: 9:30 Find the hidden objects in this adult coloring page.
March 27-Grief Discussion Group: 10:30 Join us for this monthly discussion group hosted by Stewart Benn, Bereavement Counselor from Delaware Hospice. Come listen/share.
March 27-Brain Fit: Memory Game: 11:30 Players take turns picking 2 cards to flip to find matching pairs.
March 31-Presentation: “National Federation of the Blind (NFB)”: 10:00 June from NFB will discuss the organization and their scholarship and community opportunities, the courtesy of how to assist a blind and/or low vision person, and show us braille alphabet cards. Rescheduled from February.
March 31-Book Club: 10:30 This month’s book is “The Café on the Edge of the World” by John Strelecky.
March 31-Balloon Game: 11:00 Join the circle and try to keep the balloon from hitting the ground.
April 2025
April 1, 8, 15-AARP Tax Aide: 9:00 Waiting list only. All of our appointments are full.
April 2-Color w/Hidden Pictures Page: 9:30 Find the hidden objects in this adult coloring page.
April 2-Intro to Felting: Part 2: 9:30 Join Valerie Bradbury for this intro to felting class. No experience necessary and you are welcome to come even if you were not at the first class.
April 2-Presentation: “Need Help Organizing?” 11:00 Jacksie Chatlas, de-clutterer, joins us. She has a simple solution to most decluttering needs. She can meet, assess your project AND you can assess her “fit” for your needs.
April 3-Word Unscramble Puzzle: 9:30 A puzzle page where you rearrange a set of letters to form real words.
April 3, 21-Hula Hoop Join us for a fun filled, hula hoop workout to boost your mood and energy. Only thing we don’t do is “hula hoop”! We provide the hoops for this low-key program.
April 3, 17-Brain Fit: Hangman: 11:00 Group version of the word guessing game.
April 7, 21-Chair Massages: 9:30 Khalil, licensed masseur of “Inspire by Touch”, will offer a relaxing 15- minute chair massage for only $10.00, paid directly to Khalil. Sign up for your timeslot in the lobby.
April 7-Cup Pong: 10:00 Friendly competition bouncing pong balls to land them in the cups. Make the shot and the cup is removed. First to clear all wins! Followed by “Find the ball” cup game hosted by Cindy.
April 7-Uno: 11:00 Join us to play this card game!
April 9, 24-Brain Fit: Memory Game Players take turns picking 2 cards to flip to find matching pairs.
April 9-Lunch out: Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen: 11:00 American comfort classic food restaurant in Center Point Plaza on Churchmans Rd. Cost $2/mem; $4/non-mem for bus. Lunch is on you. Sign up and pay w/Sandra.
April 10-Word Find Puzzle: 9:30 We offer you a word find puzzle page to complete and enjoy.
April 10-Presentation: ‘Prescription Discounts”: 10:00 Cory Chisolm from Aetna will be here to discuss prescription discount programs that are currently available to seniors, and Low Income Subsidy programs available to help with Medicare plan premiums.
April 10, 28-Brain Fit: Mad Libs: 11:00 The audience gives random nouns, verbs, and adjectives to fill in the blanks of a story which is then read aloud by Cindy. Easy and fun!
April 14-Skip Bo Game: 9:30 Join us for this fun game, from the makers of UNO.
April 14-Cosmic Bean Bag Toss: 11:00 Add up the point values of the holes your bags sink, highest wins.
April 16-One-on-One Help w/Cell Phones: 9:30 Judy Upshure returns to help you individually with your devices or cell phone needs. Sign up for your 30 minute session in the lobby. Free!
April 16-Line Dancing: 10:00 Edie King-Lawrence will lead us in a variety of dances.
April 16-Presentation: “Getting Old is for the Birds”: 11:00 Happy Birthday Jay Bird (Dr. Jay Macklin)! Dr. Jay, whose birthday is 4/22, talks about birthdays and the celebration of growing older. Enjoy a cupcake & juice!
April 17-BP Screenings: 10:00 Member Gina Koveleskie RN administers free Blood Pressure screening checks.
April 17-Craft w/Cindy: 10:00 Come enjoy creating a bunny rabbit out of lollipops, pipe cleaners, pompoms, ribbon, and googly eyes! Free. Sign up in Cindy’s office.
April 21-Race to Win Game: 9:30 Card game with game board set up like a horse race. Player to have the winning horse number in the end wins!
April 22, 29-Matter of Balance: 10:00-12:00 This FREE 8 week series runs Tuesdays, April 22-June 10. This award winning program is designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Space is limited so sign up now!
April 23-Movie: “Senior Moment”: 10:00 After losing his license for drag racing around Palm Springs, a retired NASA test pilot is forced to take public transportation where he finds a second chance at love.
April 24-Adult Coloring: 9:30 Have fun coloring with friends.
April 24-Grief Discussion Group: 10:30 Join us for this monthly discussion group hosted by Stewart Benn, Bereavement Counselor from Delaware Hospice. Come listen/share.
April 25-YMCA DE in Lobby: 10:00-12:00 A representative from the YMCA Delaware will be here to give out information about their Diabetes Prevention Program and to gauge interest for a future class at our center.
April 28-LRC Game: 9:30 Roll the dice and pass the buttons to the player on the left, right, or center.
April 28-Nutriton Ed: “Brain Health”: 10:00 Megan Brunermer, dietician from City Fare, returns to present information on brain health and how to improve your life through nutrition.
April 28-Book Club: 10:30 Discussion about the book “Counting Miracles” by Nicholas Sparks.
April 30-Trip and Lunch out: Old Swedes Historic Site/Riverfront Mkt: 10:00 Take a tour of the 1698-1699 church and the 1690s farmhouse where the story of the New Sweden Colony and its descendants comes alive! Few steps to enter bldg. one small cobblestone path. Then to Riverfront Market for lunch. Cost: $14/mem; $16/non-mem for bus/admission. Lunch is on you. Sign up and pay w/Sandra.